Here to help you.
Our dedicated service representatives provide in-depth customer assistance to answer your technical questions, place part orders, as well as to troubleshoot your die cutter system problems.

Service Personnel
Preco, LLC maintains a staff of highly skilled headquarters and field service personnel, trained to meet the requirements of our customers. We strive to be recognized as a member of the customer's team, providing products and services that assist them in meeting the needs of their customers. Our support begins with the development and publication of operation and service manuals for each specific product and continues through system installation, system operator and maintenance training, as well as post-installation support.
When you call our Customer Support Line, we establish a database record of all your customer contacts. It is the gateway to telephone technical support, replacement part shipments, on-site service, product bench repair, product application training, or any other issue for which our service personnel may provide assistance.
Customer Support Line
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM CST Monday – Friday
Excludes Preco, LLC Holidays
Preco, LLC Die Cutting Equipment
After Hours Support
5:00 PM – 10:00 PM CST Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM CST Saturday
Limited Support